Pray Always

"Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you.
For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." -Matthew 7:7-8

“We ought always to pray.” –Luke 18:1

“Pray always” –Romans 12:12

Monday, August 6, 2012

Novena to the Assumption - Daily Prayers

Novena to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Note the length of the prayers assigned for daily recitation in this novena is substantial, however, if you wish to abridge them to accommodate your own situation please feel free to do so.  One option might be to say only one of each of the prayers/litanies each day over the course of the novena.)

Prayers to be said each Day

Salve Regina, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. Amen.

V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

Oremus.  Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui gloriosae Virginis Matris Mariae corpus et animam, ut dignum Filii tui habitaculum effici mereretur, Spiritu Sancto cooperante, praeparasti: da, ut cuius commemoratione laetamur; eius pia intercessione, ab instantibus malis, et a morte perpetua liberemur. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Litany of the Immaculate Heart

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, favorite Daughter of God the Father, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God the Son,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Spouse of the Holy Ghost,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, redeemed in a sublime manner by the merits of thy Son,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother and Model of the Church,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, excellent exemplar in faith and charity,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, who conceived the Word of God in Thy heart before thy did in thy womb,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, who gave precious Blood to the Son of God in His human nature,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, conceived free of Original Sin,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, who embraced God's saving will with a full heart, impeded by no sin, 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, whose sweet soul a sword pierced beneath the Cross,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, given to us as Mother by Jesus as He hung dying on the Cross,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, who accepted us as sons as thou stood beneath the Cross,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, all pure and holy,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, exalted by Divine grace above all Angels and men,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of grace,
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, bearing with love for all thy children upon earth, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Show to Our Heavenly Father the Wound in the Heart of Thy Son and at the same time offer again the sword that pierced thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart as thou suffered by compassion with Thy Divine Son for the redemption of the world. By thy intercession, through the merits of Jesus Christ, bring us to salvation. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Liguori to Our Lady

Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin! O my Mother! Thou who art the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, hope, and refuge of sinners! I, the most wretched among them, now come to thee. I venerate thee, great Queen, and give thee thanks for the many favors thou hast bestowed on me in the past; most of all do I thank thee for having saved me from hell, which I had so often deserved. I love thee, Lady most worthy of all love, and, by the love which I bear thee, I promise ever in the future to serve thee, and to do what in me lies to win others to thy love. In thee I put all my trust, all my hope of salvation. Receive me as thy servant, and cover me with the mantle of thy protection, thou who art the Mother of mercy! And since thou hast so much power with God, deliver me from all temptations, or at least obtain for me the grace ever to overcome them. From thee I ask a true love of Jesus Christ, and the grace of a happy death. O my Mother! By thy love for God I beseech thee to be at all times my helper, but above all at the last moment of my life. Leave me not until thou seest me safe in heaven, there for endless ages to bless thee and sing thy praises. Such is my hope. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort to Our Lady

Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son. Hail Mary, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, my Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign. Hail, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am thine by justice. But I am not yet sufficiently thine. I now give myself wholly to thee without keeping anything back for myself or others. If thou seest anything in me which does not belong to thee, I beseech thee to take it and make thyself the absolute Mistress of all that is mine.

Destroy in me all that may displease God; root it up and bring it to nought. Place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee. May the light of thy faith dispel the darkness of my mind. May thy profound humility take the place of my pride; may thy sublime contemplation check the distractions of my wandering imagination. May the continuous sight of God fill my memory with His Presence; may the burning love of thy heart inflame the lukewarmness of mine. May thy virtues take the place of my sins; may thy merits be my only adornment in the sight of God and make up for all that is wanting in me. Finally, dearly beloved Mother, grant, if it be possible, that I may have no other spirit but thine to know Jesus, and His Divine Will; that I may have no other soul but thine to praise and glorify God; that I may have no other heart but thine to love God with a love as pure and ardent as thine.

I do not ask thee for visions, revelations, sensible devotions, or spiritual pleasures. It is thy privilege to see God clearly, it is thy privilege to enjoy heavenly bliss; it is thy privilege to triumph gloriously in heaven at the right hand of thy Son and to hold absolute sway over angels, men, and demons.

It is thy privilege to dispose of all the gifts of God, just as thou willest. Such, O heavenly Mary, the 'best part', which the Lord has given thee, and which shall never be taken away from thee--and this thought fills my heart with joy. As for my part here below, I wish for no other than that which was thine, to believe sincerely without spiritual pleasures, to suffer joyfully without human consolation, to die continually to myself without respite, and to work zealously and unselfishly for thee until death, as the humblest of thy servants. The only grace I beg thee, for me, is that every moment of the day, and every moment of my life, I may say, "Amen, so be it, to all that thou art doing in heaven. Amen, so be it, to all thou didst do while on earth. Amen, so be it, to all thou art doing in my soul," so that thou alone mayest fully glorify Jesus in me for time and eternity. Amen.

Prayer of Pope Pius XII to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed into Heaven

Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and Mother of Men,

1. We believe, with all the fervor of our faith, thy glorious assumption into heaven, which thou didst enter soul and body, where the chorus of Angels and Saints acclaimed thee as Queen; and we join our voices to theirs in thanking and praising the Lord Who has exalted thee above all other creatures, and in presenting thee our most sincere desires of affection and love.

2. We know that thou, who on earth didst surround the most humble and suffering humanity of Jesus with thy motherly love, art now blessed in heaven with the vision of the glorified humanity of the uncreated Wisdom, and that the happiness of thy soul in contemplating face to face the most adorable Trinity makes thy heart beat with the most tender affection; and we poor sinners, to whom the burden of the body embarrasses the elevation of the soul, beseech thee to purify our minds so that, even during this earthly life, we may learn to savor God and God alone in the magnificence of His creation.

3. We have the assurance that thine eyes full of compassion look down on our misery and our anguish, on our struggles and our weaknesses; that thy lips smile on our joys and our victories; and that thou hearest Jesus’ voice saying for everyone of us, as He said once for His beloved Apostle, “behold thy son”; and we, who invoke thee as our Mother, look up to thee, as St. John did, as our guide, our strength, and our consolation in our mortal life.

4. We have the most comforting certitude that thine eyes, having wept once on this earth which was sprinkled with Jesus’ Blood, are still gazing on this world, a prey to wars, a place of persecution and oppression of the just and the weak; and in the darkness of this vale of tears we expect from thy heavenly light and thy tender compassion help in the needs of our hearts, help in the trials of the Church and our country.

5. Finally we believe that thou, in the glory where thou art reigning, clothed with the sun and crowned with the stars, art after Jesus the happiness and the felicity of all Angels and Saints; and from this world where we pass as pilgrims, strengthened with the faith in the coming resurrection, we lift our eyes up to thee, our life, our sweetness, our hope; attract us with the sweetness of thy voice, so that thou mayest show us, after our exile, Jesus the blessed Fruit of they womb, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Traditional Novena Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, sancta Dei Genetrix; nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.

V. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.

R. Genuisti qui te fecit, et in aeternum permanes virgo.

Memorare, O piissima Virgo Maria, non esse auditum a saeculo, quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia, tua implorantem auxilia, tua petentem suffragia esse derelictum. Nos tali animati confidentia ad te, Virgo Virginum, Mater, currimus; ad te venimus; coram te gementes peccatores assistimus. Noli, Mater Verbi, verba nostra despicere, sed audi propitia et exaudi. Amen.

V. Benedicta tu in mulieribus.
R. Et benedictus fructus ventris tui.

O pura et immaculata, eadem benedicta Virgo, magni Filii tui universorum Domini Mater inculpata, integra et sacrosanctissima, desperantium atque reorum spes, te collaudamus. Tibi ut gratia plenissimae benedicimus, quae Christum genuisti Deum et Hominem: omnes coram te prosternimur: omnes te invocamus et auxilium tuum imploramus. Amen.

(here make your petition to our Lady)

V. O Maria, sine labe concepta,
R. Ora pro nobis qui ad te confugimus.

Sancta Maria, succurre miseris; iuva pusillanimes; refove flebiles; ora pro populo; interveni pro clero; intercede pro devoto femineo sexu: sentiant omnes tuum iuvamen, quicumque celebrant tuam sanctam commemorationem. Assiste parata votis poscentium et reporta nobis optatum effectum. Sint tibi studia assidua orare pro populo Dei, quae meruisti, benedicta, Redemptorem ferre mundi, qui vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

V. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
R. Thou hast brought forth Him who made thee, and ever remain a virgin.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins and Mother; to thee do we come; before thee we stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer us. Amen.

V. Blessed art thou among women.
R. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

O pure and immaculate and likewise blessed Virgin, who art the sinless mother of thy Son, the mighty Lord of the universe, thou who art inviolate and altogether holy, the hope of the hopeless and sinful, we sing thy praises. We bless thee as full of every grace, thou who borest the God-Man: we all bow low before thee; we invoke thee and implore thy aid. Amen.

(here make your petition to our Lady)

V. O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. Pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Let us pray
Holy Mary, succor the miserable, help the faint-hearted, comfort the sorrowful, pray for the people, plead for the clergy, intercede for all women consecrated to God; may all who keep thy holy commemoration feel now thy help and protection. Be ever ready to assist us when we pray, and bring back to us the answers to our prayers. Make it thy continual care to pray for the people of God, thou who, blessed by God, merited to bear the Redeemer of the world, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

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